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AHW Logo

Call for Applications:

Community-Led Momentum Grants

Eligible community-MCW academic collaborative teams are invited to submit the following letter of intent (LOI) through this online form to apply for AHW’s Call for Applications: Community-Led Momentum Grants funding opportunity. 

The application must be completed and submitted using this online form and no paper or emailed applications will be considered. This application form only supports Plain Text and no text effects such as bold, italics, underlining, bulleting, numbering, etc. will be captured in the form fields in the final submission. No attachments beyond those requested in the call for applications and online form will be accepted.

Please refer to the Community-Led Momentum Grants funding opportunity page on the AHW website for additional instructions and requirements.  

The deadline for submission is November 4, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. CT. Late applications will not be accepted. 

Please note that all fields marked with * are required

AHW does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of age, race, creed, religion, color, disability, marital status, sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, arrest record, conviction record, membership in the national guard, state defense force or any other reserve component of the military forces of the United States or the State of Wisconsin or use or nonuse of lawful products off MCW’s premises during nonworking hours.

Project Information
Award Budget

Project Team Information
Primary Community Partner
Primary Community Partner – Projects must designate one (1) eligible primary community partner organization to serve as the fiscal agent for the project. Identify one (1) contact person at the primary community partner organization who will share responsibility with the MCW academic partner for transferring all communications, notifications and instructions from AHW to all members of the project team and will be responsible for the fiduciary and reporting requirements on behalf of the larger partnership. See the call for applications for eligibility requirements.
Primary Community Partner Organization Information
Primary Community Partner Organization Contact
Contact Name:
For example, enter 'John' if that is your preference rather than Johnathan.
MCW School of Medicine Academic Partner
MCW School of Medicine Academic Partner – Project teams must designate one (1) eligible MCW academic partner. The MCW academic partner must be full-time or full professional effort MCW faculty with the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor with a primary appointment in the School of Medicine. See the call for applications for MCW academic partner eligibility requirements.
MCW Academic Partner Contact Information
For example, enter 'John' if that is your preference rather than Johnathan.
Collaborator(s) – Please list additional key members of the project team to demonstrate that the project team brings together individuals with the necessary skill sets, experience, influence, and expertise to carry out the project. Any individual and/or organization listed as a collaborator should be committed to the proposed project and ready to engage in the project based on their specified role, if funded. Collaborators are not subject to primary community partner or MCW academic partner eligibility requirements. Please note that the online form is limited to ten collaborators.
Name: Organization/Department:
AHW Emphasis Areas
AHW Focus Areas
AHW Focus Areas – AHW supports projects to impact health and health equity in Wisconsin. Please see the AHW website to learn more about AHW’s areas of focus to drive toward impact.

Health Equity
Health Equity – AHW is committed to advancing health equity across Wisconsin. Health equity (CDC) is the state in which everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their highest level of health.

Geographic Area Impacted


Page 2

AHW Logo

Call for Applications:

Community-Led Momentum Grants

Primary Community Partner Demographic Information
Primary Community Partner Organization Diversity and Inclusion Information
To help AHW better understand our community applicants, we’d like to learn more about your organization. Please answer the following optional questions about the primary community partner organization. This information is for AHW’s awareness only and will only be used in aggregate across AHW’s applicants and funded partners.

Primary Community Partner Organization Contact Demographic Information
To help AHW better understand our applicant pool, we’d like to learn more about our primary applicants. Please answer the following optional questions about the primary community partner organization contact. This information is for AHW’s awareness only and will only be used in aggregate across AHW’s applicants and funded partners.

MCW Academic Partner Demographic Information
MCW Academic Partner Demographic Information
To help AHW better understand our applicant pool, we’d like to learn more about our primary applicants. Please answer the following optional questions about the MCW PI. This information is for AHW’s awareness only and will only be used in aggregate across AHW’s applicants and funded partners.

Following successful submission of the completed online form and technical review, signatures will be required via an AHW-initiated DocuSign process from the following individuals to indicate their awareness and support of the submitted application:
  • Primary community partner organization contact and an individual authorized signer, if applicable
  • MCW academic partner and their respective MCW Department Chair or Center leadership
Following submission and technical review, each of the individuals above will receive an email with instructions to complete and submit their signature. Required signatures must be submitted by 5 p.m. within three business days of receiving the signature request, to complete the submission and advance for review.
After you click ‘Submit,’ you can review your responses, print a copy for your records, and make corrections. You must then Confirm your submission for your application to be received by AHW.